Review after review I read. I was not merely looking for any type of woman to spend my time with. I knew what I specifically wanted and therefore read reviews from the agencies. These type of agencies are ample even in London. Many people may not consider London as a place that has escort agencies. But these agencies exist here like anywhere else. As a fine gentleman myself, I only wanted a London escort girl from one of the best agencies in the city.
After reading so many reviews I eventually found the escort of my dreams. Some may desire an escort solely for sexual needs. But an escort can so offer so much more and I wanted to make sure I had a woman who could offer me all that I wanted. I found a beautiful woman inside and out. From the escort reviews UK I could tell she was well liked by other gentleman. I figured I would like her as well.
I was nervous meeting this escort in person. What would I say? Would she like me? Would there be any chemistry? I replayed these questions over and over in my head. Upon meeting her, I instantly had all my questions answered. I said, “Hello.” She responded with a gentle voice, “Hello.” She embraced me with a warm hug. Her smile was beautiful. Her voice was so sweet. I could tell by how she looked at me that she also found me attractive. We held hands and began to take a stroll throughout the beautiful city of London.
We walked the city together. We looked at the beautiful buildings and architecture London has to offer. We had such good conversation. She told me about herself and I shard with her about me. Just as imagined and just as I wanted she was truly a beautiful person on the inside. I quickly learned escorting was her job but not who she was on the inside. She told me of her hobbies, her desires for life and what she wanted in her future. Learning so much about her made me desire her even more. Before returning to the agency, I was a true gentleman and treated her to a nice dinner. We dined at a nice restaurant underneath the stunning evening sky.
Meeting an escort in London has been a unique experience for me. We have spent more time together since our first meeting. Being an escort comes with a stigma. But the beautiful woman I met that day defied any ideas I held about escorts.Though she does not fit the stereotype that comes along with escorting this is still the job she chooses to have. This is how she supports herself. I do my part to pay for her services. But being with her goes beyond any sexual arrangements we have. She is enjoyable to speak to. She is enjoyable to share my time with. Though I am sure she will not be escorting forever, I cherish the time we do have now while she lives this life of being an escort.